
Showing posts from November, 2022

Leabhar ri fhaighinn

2023 - càite am faigh mi an leabhar ùr seo? Ri cheannach an-dràsta bho:  Clò Phabaigh, am foillsichear (òrdain 'First Class' sa phost): Bùth Bharraigh - anns a' bhùth neo air-loidhne Ceòlas Uibhist - anns a' bhùth neo air-loidhne   An Taigh-Cèilidh ann an Steòrnabhagh Bùth SMO, an t-Eilean Sgitheanach    Cuiribh fios gu Sabhal Mòr Ostaig aig: Comhairle nan Leabhraichean. Agus deagh àiteachan eile. Bhatarsaigh agus na Raiders. ISBN 978-18384484-1-7, 2023  Sgrìobhte agus deasaichte le Lisa Storey agus Aonghas MacLeòid.   Eòghan a' Bhàilidh agus D.M.N.C. cuideachd. Clò Phabaigh, 85 pages, pàipear. 

Gnothach eadar-nàiseanta - international

Beagan fiosrachaidh, mar thoiseach-toiseachaidh air a' bhloga seo, do dhaoine aig nach eil Gàidhlig: Bhatarsaigh agus na Raiders How much do we value our island communities around the world? Most people provide a fairly positive response to such a question.  Politicians and leaders are often strident in their enthusiasm: "Yes, of course, island communities matter."   But how successfully do our well-meaning approaches translate into action?   How effective, for example, are local and central government efforts in  promoting long-term island sustainability?  How are minoritised languages affected? Are we going about our efforts in the right way?   The international challenges for island communities in the 21st Century are significant.  As the scholars John E. Hay, Donald L. Forbes and Nobuo Mimura suggest "global change in a variety of forms impinges directly or indirectly on the environment and sustainability of these island communities." The significance of t